
Paz’s world: 3  half-days to discover and reconnect the herbal’s kingdom for adult and children. Nature and every part of her is alive : herbals, trees, flowers, insects, water, minerals etc… We will go through sensorial discovery with our sens, we will practice intuitive communication, drawns or any kind of creative activities that help to undertsand there is numbers, geometry, colours, families, species, smells….energies and vibrations . We will finish our workshop providing a gifts to Gaia all together! Also a wonderfull way to discover our inner world and our body ! Price: 50 euros/day/person.  Any question or for a group ask!

Simples : 5  days  or 10 half-day about medicinal plants= herbals, through obvious bases of phytotherapy and aromatherapy. The purpose is tho help you to be more in autonomia with your wellness or to go deeper at the end…and may be becoming herbalist!!! Price: 80 euros/day/person (not including travel expenses ) .

Ayurveda: 5  days immersion  to the basis of ayurvedic medicin . You will gain tools to manage your well being and a better understanding of the way your body is working…and also the univers! Price 80 euros/day/person (without travel expenses ).

Other workshop are availuable , please let us know your wishes, ask!




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